Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai Graduation Boxes
- Event Case Study
- Project Type Graduation
- Qty 200
Mount Sinai was looking for a gift for their graduating class since the graduation would be held virtually. They wanted something fun and cheerful.
We have great relationships with our suppliers, but for this particular project, we used a new supplier for the box since our goal was to find a very specific blue to match the Mount Sinai logo. The boxes arrived, we started assembling, and we quickly realized that the quality was not up to par with our standards. There was a lot of back and forth, and we ended up finding someone that would be able to match our blue in the timeline we needed. All boxes were redone. We pride ourselves in the quality of our items, and are thrilled that we trusted our guts and redid the boxes.
Products Included:
Custom tumbler, champagne bubbles, and a party cracker